So, You're Just Teaching Them to Dance?

Progressing into Ballet Technique

Level 4 "Ballet Arts for Young Children" Curriculum Release

Improving Behavior With Consequences

Recognizing the Student NOT Ready for Pointe

6 "Must Haves" for Teaching Ballet

Games for the Ballet Classroom

Conditioning Principles to Improve Pointe Work

20 Ways to Create a Comfortable Class

Understand Your Students' Growth Process

The 7 Basic Principles of Classical Ballet

Their First Pair of Pointe Shoes

6 Classroom "Attention-Getters" to Watch Out For

How To Talk Effectively With Children

Training Your Dance Assistant

The Twelve Week Rule

Don't Be A Skipper, Teach Them To Skip!

Pacing of Ballet Classwork

Choreographic Advice for Teachers

Planning Your Lessons

Preparing Little Feet for Pointe

Preparing for Recital

Ballet Began In Italy