Music and Memory in Pre-Ballet February 12, 2016 Choreography for our youngest students can sometimes feel like the hardest choreography we do! The skills of moving in time to music, and of being able to remember the order of steps in a dance develop… Read More Music and Memory in Pre-Ballet
What Can I Do To Change Their Behavior? February 5, 2016 Psychologists tell us that behaviors do not continue unless they are reinforced. Reinforcement is a constant reality—if the teacher smiles, nods, even looks at a student during an exercise, that is positive reinforcement. We can direct the reinforcement, plan it when… Read More What Can I Do To Change Their Behavior?
Why is it so Hard to Keep the Circle the Same Size? January 29, 2016 Choreography for recital season has begun, and teachers all over the world are beginning to plan the specific steps, formations, costumes and music. I’d like to share this tidbit from Ruth Brinkerhoff‘s curriculum books concerning… Read More Why is it so Hard to Keep the Circle the Same Size?
Correcting Errors in Muscle Use January 22, 2016 The careful, attentive ballet teacher should always pick up on the students who do not have correct alignment or do not have correct muscle use. The errors found should be addressed with the student for as… Read More Correcting Errors in Muscle Use
Avoiding Injury with Correct Muscle Use January 16, 2016 Ballet teachers all over the world would agree that one of the biggest, most serious problems dancers face is injury from incorrect placement, sometimes due to the lack of knowledge of proper alignment and muscle use in ballet. While some… Read More Avoiding Injury with Correct Muscle Use
Sensory Development for Purposeful Movement January 10, 2016 Coordination can be one of the hardest concepts for students to learn, especially when their foundation for purposeful movement may not have been laid correctly. Children progress through a natural process of coordination development that can sometimes be ignored when… Read More Sensory Development for Purposeful Movement
Dancing with Partner Cards December 14, 2015 Ever had issues in your pre-ballet classes with students who always choose the same partner? For many ballet students, the experience of class is a very social one that can shape who they become. Not being chosen as… Read More Dancing with Partner Cards
Ignoring Wrong Behavior—Does it Work? December 2, 2015 Child Development experts know that this rule always applies: “Behavior that gets attention will always be repeated, even if the attention is negative!” Children want attention more than anything else. Negative is better than none at all.Students bring to dance… Read More Ignoring Wrong Behavior—Does it Work?
Using Ballet Terminology and Musicality in Class November 21, 2015 It gets to me every time. When I begin in September with a group of students who say, “I’ve been dancing all my life” and yet, at the age of 11, cannot dance to the rhythm of the… Read More Using Ballet Terminology and Musicality in Class
How Teachers Help Their Students Improve Coordination November 2, 2015 Dance teachers have been on track more than any other group in providing for coordination to happen. Our deep understanding of movement and development encourages the correct progression of coordination at the proper stages of growth. Ballet teachers have been… Read More How Teachers Help Their Students Improve Coordination
The Pyramid of Coordination October 9, 2015 There is a wonderful, intricate and observable progression of coordination grafted into every human being. At the earliest age, only a few months old, we can see how the brain begins to connect with the other members of… Read More The Pyramid of Coordination
More Games for the Ballet Classroom September 25, 2015 Games in the ballet classroom can be very effective teaching tools. As the students take advantage of a time of rest from their technique class, you can continue their ballet education through creative, team-building, skill-developing activities. Explained below… Read More More Games for the Ballet Classroom
What is Coordination? September 19, 2015 Without a thorough understanding of the principles of coordination, it is difficult for dance teachers to know what to expect and how to encourage the proper development of natural coordination. It is definitely a vital building block, fundamental… Read More What is Coordination?
Tips For Teaching Preschool Combo Classes September 11, 2015 Rising in popularity over the past 10 years is the idea of the “combination class”. There are teachers and studio owners who love the idea, and others who struggle with teaching all that needs to be taught in such… Read More Tips For Teaching Preschool Combo Classes
Ballet Positions Giveaway September 9, 2015 As we launch into the 2016-2017 year of classes, The Ballet Source would like to provide teachers with a few FREE resources. The first four levels of the Ballet Arts for Young Children Curriculum use these feet… Read More Ballet Positions Giveaway
Why Warmups? September 4, 2015 There is a pattern of traditional ballet exercises done at the barre. As a result of recent studies in the area of sports and dance, most teachers these days are also giving some “pre-barre warmup exercises” to their students. Read More Why Warmups?
Expecting Good Behavior From Preschoolers September 2, 2015 Three, four and five year olds are the most complex, delicate and fascinating students to teach! Not everyone walks into their ballet classroom and feels fully prepared for what is to come. These great points from the Level 2… Read More Expecting Good Behavior From Preschoolers
Posture Checklist for Ballet Students August 14, 2015 “The total picture of a dancer: legs, arms, head, hands, feet, expression, can be compared to a chord on the piano, with all of the correct notes striking at the same time.” — Alan Hooper, former… Read More Posture Checklist for Ballet Students
Choosing Class Format for Beginning Pointe August 8, 2015 A very important first step in Pointe class planning is choosing the appropriate class format for your students. Each class is different, and each teacher has her own style of structuring those first lessons. Today we dive into some of… Read More Choosing Class Format for Beginning Pointe
Organizing and Running a "Happy Class" July 27, 2015 Children need structure. This is especially true in the pre-ballet years, as they prepare for a more disciplined class. The less “free time” they have in the class period, the better. They should know exactly what they’re supposed to… Read More Organizing and Running a "Happy Class"
Using Inertia to Avoid the "Dead Spot" July 8, 2015 How frustrating it is to carefully present and explain something to a class, and then find at the next meeting that the students remember very little, if any, of what you took such careful pains… Read More Using Inertia to Avoid the "Dead Spot"
Win With Threes by Knowing Their Needs June 26, 2015 Teaching a classroom of 3 and 4 year olds is completely daunting at times! Why is it that these little people can scare the living daylights out of fully-grown professionals twice their size? Most of it comes from… Read More Win With Threes by Knowing Their Needs
Planning from a Bird's-Eye View June 19, 2015 As you approach the end of a year of teaching, do you ever get the feeling that there was so much more you could have taught your students that you just didn’t get around to? They were ready for it,… Read More Planning from a Bird's-Eye View
Why the Wait? June 15, 2015 So, what do you do when your 7 year-olds don’t want to practice tendu, they want to saut de chat across the room like the beautiful ballerinas they saw in recital last year? I’ve had… Read More Why the Wait?
Quality in Performing June 4, 2015 Many of us teachers are in the midst of preparation for recital season. This is such a crazy, wonderful time of year for teachers, students and the school as a whole. Recital week hits and choreography is learned, pictures are… Read More Quality in Performing