Basic Principles for Older Beginners May 6, 2016 I taught a very interesting new class this year. The group was ages 12 and up, and they were all beginners. I haven’t taught this kind of group in about 4 years, so I had to review some of the… Read More Basic Principles for Older Beginners
Body Placement for Ballet Students December 4, 2015 Once your students have passed through the pre-ballet program, you can begin to work with them on a classical ballet posture and body placement. Remember the importance of taking time, and not rushing on the basic principles of vocabulary and… Read More Body Placement for Ballet Students
Working Toward Excellence in Classical Ballet November 9, 2015 Once your students have graduated from the early levels of ballet training and move into a more classically directed ballet education, there are many principles to begin to implement in their classes. The small things create the difference… Read More Working Toward Excellence in Classical Ballet
Developing Coordinated Dancers September 20, 2015 Coordination is not one of those principles dance teachers want to overlook. If left unchecked, our students could grow up without the proper coordination skills they need to progress accordingly as dancers. Ruth Brinkerhoff devoted an entire teacher manual,… Read More Developing Coordinated Dancers
What is Coordination? September 19, 2015 Without a thorough understanding of the principles of coordination, it is difficult for dance teachers to know what to expect and how to encourage the proper development of natural coordination. It is definitely a vital building block, fundamental… Read More What is Coordination?
Quality in Performing June 4, 2015 Many of us teachers are in the midst of preparation for recital season. This is such a crazy, wonderful time of year for teachers, students and the school as a whole. Recital week hits and choreography is learned, pictures are… Read More Quality in Performing
So, You're Just Teaching Them to Dance? June 1, 2015 I bid adieu to a classroom of 8 to 10 year old students this morning. It was our last class before the recital, and it was so wonderful to have had the opportunity to teach them… Read More So, You're Just Teaching Them to Dance?
Progressing into Ballet Technique May 30, 2015 Teachers sometimes spend much of the year trying to figure out what should logically come next in their teaching. How can we know what they should be learning next? Moving through the natural movement sequences and into ballet technique happens… Read More Progressing into Ballet Technique
Recognizing the Student NOT Ready for Pointe May 24, 2015 We’ve discussed weight placement on pointe, conditioning principles to improve pointe, whether or not my student is ready for pointe, how to fit their first pair of pointe shoes, and preparing little feet for pointe. Read More Recognizing the Student NOT Ready for Pointe
6 "Must Haves" for Teaching Ballet May 15, 2015 Not everyone can teach, and not everyone should. As I press on in my journey as a ballet instructor, I find the truths found in the “Level 1 Curriculum Book” to be so very pertinent and… Read More 6 "Must Haves" for Teaching Ballet
20 Ways to Create a Comfortable Class April 27, 2015 Most of us can remember being in a class where we couldn’t focus or understand what was being presented. It wasn’t much fun, was it? A dance class can feel that way to a young child. Childrens’ brains… Read More 20 Ways to Create a Comfortable Class
Understand Your Students' Growth Process April 17, 2015 The little bodies of children between the ages of 7 and 10 are going through a lot of physical changes. As teachers, we need to understand and respect the body’s need for certain parameters when it comes to teaching ballet… Read More Understand Your Students' Growth Process
The 7 Basic Principles of Classical Ballet April 10, 2015 The Rules of Classical Dance were first set down definitively by John Weaver in 1723. Each generation has had its great teachers of ballet who have added insights and details to these rules and principles. These principles are essential for… Read More The 7 Basic Principles of Classical Ballet