20 Ways to Create a Comfortable Class April 27, 2015 Most of us can remember being in a class where we couldn’t focus or understand what was being presented. It wasn’t much fun, was it? A dance class can feel that way to a young child. Childrens’ brains… Read More 20 Ways to Create a Comfortable Class
The 7 Basic Principles of Classical Ballet April 10, 2015 The Rules of Classical Dance were first set down definitively by John Weaver in 1723. Each generation has had its great teachers of ballet who have added insights and details to these rules and principles. These principles are essential for… Read More The 7 Basic Principles of Classical Ballet
Preparing for Recital September 29, 2014 Believe it or not, the time is fast approaching for teachers to begin thinking about what they’d like their classes to do in their year-end performance. Don’t believe me? Just ask any director of any school anywhere and they’re probably… Read More Preparing for Recital