Why Warmups? September 4, 2015 There is a pattern of traditional ballet exercises done at the barre. As a result of recent studies in the area of sports and dance, most teachers these days are also giving some “pre-barre warmup exercises” to their students. Read More Why Warmups?
Expecting Good Behavior From Preschoolers September 2, 2015 Three, four and five year olds are the most complex, delicate and fascinating students to teach! Not everyone walks into their ballet classroom and feels fully prepared for what is to come. These great points from the Level 2… Read More Expecting Good Behavior From Preschoolers
Finding the Correct Full Pointe Position August 29, 2015 Already evaluating your students to decide who will start pointe next year? When to begin pointe work is one of those very important, special and serious decisions. Here are a couple of exercises you can use on your beginners to… Read More Finding the Correct Full Pointe Position
Posture Checklist for Ballet Students August 14, 2015 “The total picture of a dancer: legs, arms, head, hands, feet, expression, can be compared to a chord on the piano, with all of the correct notes striking at the same time.” — Alan Hooper, former… Read More Posture Checklist for Ballet Students
Choosing Class Format for Beginning Pointe August 8, 2015 A very important first step in Pointe class planning is choosing the appropriate class format for your students. Each class is different, and each teacher has her own style of structuring those first lessons. Today we dive into some of… Read More Choosing Class Format for Beginning Pointe
Use of Feet and Turnout in Pre-Ballet August 1, 2015 Forcing too much turnout in young children is not only unsafe, it is also unnecessary. Their bodies allow for a gradual progression with a projected 90º turnout achieved by the age of 7 or 8. As they get older, teachers… Read More Use of Feet and Turnout in Pre-Ballet
Organizing and Running a "Happy Class" July 27, 2015 Children need structure. This is especially true in the pre-ballet years, as they prepare for a more disciplined class. The less “free time” they have in the class period, the better. They should know exactly what they’re supposed to… Read More Organizing and Running a "Happy Class"
Hints for a Happy Class July 24, 2015 Would you say you teach a “happy” class? When your students leave your classroom, are they overly tired and restless, or do they feel a sense of accomplishment? Pacing your class, implementing creative rest periods, and taking your students’ ever-changing needs… Read More Hints for a Happy Class
Challenge? Or Frustration? July 22, 2015 My fifth year of teaching was a tough one! I had a class of 9-11 year olds that really stretched me and taught me a lot. One of my biggest challenges was that the students just weren’t… Read More Challenge? Or Frustration?
Guidelines for Starting a Student on Pointe July 19, 2015 Pointe work carries some risk of injury. Far too many students suffer injury in their first few years en pointe, sometimes because we, their teachers, expect too much too soon. Slow, gradual buildup of strength is the best way… Read More Guidelines for Starting a Student on Pointe
The Power of Teaching Progressions July 10, 2015 From the earliest of classes, the young ballet student is building the skills they will need to learn more advanced steps later. As a young three year-old, the students learn to stand with their feet in parallel, point their toes… Read More The Power of Teaching Progressions
Using Inertia to Avoid the "Dead Spot" July 7, 2015 How frustrating it is to carefully present and explain something to a class, and then find at the next meeting that the students remember very little, if any, of what you took such careful pains… Read More Using Inertia to Avoid the "Dead Spot"
Win With Threes by Knowing Their Needs June 26, 2015 Teaching a classroom of 3 and 4 year olds is completely daunting at times! Why is it that these little people can scare the living daylights out of fully-grown professionals twice their size? Most of it comes from… Read More Win With Threes by Knowing Their Needs
Planning from a Bird's-Eye View June 19, 2015 As you approach the end of a year of teaching, do you ever get the feeling that there was so much more you could have taught your students that you just didn’t get around to? They were ready for it,… Read More Planning from a Bird's-Eye View
Why the Wait? June 15, 2015 So, what do you do when your 7 year-olds don’t want to practice tendu, they want to saut de chat across the room like the beautiful ballerinas they saw in recital last year? I’ve had… Read More Why the Wait?
Quality in Performing June 4, 2015 Many of us teachers are in the midst of preparation for recital season. This is such a crazy, wonderful time of year for teachers, students and the school as a whole. Recital week hits and choreography is learned, pictures are… Read More Quality in Performing
10 Ways to Make the Most of Recital Night June 3, 2015 An article has gone around the internet with some funny, sarcastic tips on how to make dance recitals “suck less”. In my honest opinion, the whole recital experience can be painful, drawn out and excruciating, it’s… Read More 10 Ways to Make the Most of Recital Night
So, You're Just Teaching Them to Dance? June 1, 2015 I bid adieu to a classroom of 8 to 10 year old students this morning. It was our last class before the recital, and it was so wonderful to have had the opportunity to teach them… Read More So, You're Just Teaching Them to Dance?
Progressing into Ballet Technique May 30, 2015 Teachers sometimes spend much of the year trying to figure out what should logically come next in their teaching. How can we know what they should be learning next? Moving through the natural movement sequences and into ballet technique happens… Read More Progressing into Ballet Technique
Level 4 "Ballet Arts for Young Children" Curriculum Release May 30, 2015 We just wrapped up the finishing touches on our finest curriculum to date! Here is a sneak peek into many of the unique features of Level 4. Color illustrations Helpful Diagrams, Which Can Also… Read More Level 4 "Ballet Arts for Young Children" Curriculum Release
Improving Behavior With Consequences May 29, 2015 Just imagine: A class full of unruly 4 and 5 year olds that don’t listen, don’t mind you and have a lot of trouble staying attentive. Sound familiar? Sounds like a nightmare! In the teaching help section of… Read More Improving Behavior With Consequences
Recognizing the Student NOT Ready for Pointe May 24, 2015 We’ve discussed weight placement on pointe, conditioning principles to improve pointe, whether or not my student is ready for pointe, how to fit their first pair of pointe shoes, and preparing little feet for pointe. Read More Recognizing the Student NOT Ready for Pointe
6 "Must Haves" for Teaching Ballet May 15, 2015 Not everyone can teach, and not everyone should. As I press on in my journey as a ballet instructor, I find the truths found in the “Level 1 Curriculum Book” to be so very pertinent and… Read More 6 "Must Haves" for Teaching Ballet
Games for the Ballet Classroom May 12, 2015 It’s not just a suggestion, it’s pretty much a tried and true fact that children need to have at least one short break during their 45 minute to 1 hour ballet class. Most children between the ages of 3 to… Read More Games for the Ballet Classroom
Conditioning Principles to Improve Pointe Work May 8, 2015 Is there such a thing as pushing your students too far when it comes to pointe work? I certainly believe there is, and I must admit, after reading Ruth Brinkerhoff’s “Pointe 1: An Introduction to Pointe Work”, … Read More Conditioning Principles to Improve Pointe Work