Dancing with Partner Cards December 14, 2015 Ever had issues in your pre-ballet classes with students who always choose the same partner? For many ballet students, the experience of class is a very social one that can shape who they become. Not being chosen as… Read More Dancing with Partner Cards
Body Placement for Ballet Students December 4, 2015 Once your students have passed through the pre-ballet program, you can begin to work with them on a classical ballet posture and body placement. Remember the importance of taking time, and not rushing on the basic principles of vocabulary and… Read More Body Placement for Ballet Students
Ignoring Wrong Behavior—Does it Work? December 2, 2015 Child Development experts know that this rule always applies: “Behavior that gets attention will always be repeated, even if the attention is negative!” Children want attention more than anything else. Negative is better than none at all.Students bring to dance… Read More Ignoring Wrong Behavior—Does it Work?
Planning Your Intermediate Pointe Class October 30, 2015 The first two years of pointe work should be very carefully limited and controlled. Too much too soon has proven to be detrimental in pointe class. As with any class, there is a simple formula teachers can use to plan… Read More Planning Your Intermediate Pointe Class
Hints for a Happy Class July 24, 2015 Would you say you teach a “happy” class? When your students leave your classroom, are they overly tired and restless, or do they feel a sense of accomplishment? Pacing your class, implementing creative rest periods, and taking your students’ ever-changing needs… Read More Hints for a Happy Class
The Power of Teaching Progressions July 10, 2015 From the earliest of classes, the young ballet student is building the skills they will need to learn more advanced steps later. As a young three year-old, the students learn to stand with their feet in parallel, point their toes… Read More The Power of Teaching Progressions
Level 4 "Ballet Arts for Young Children" Curriculum Release May 30, 2015 We just wrapped up the finishing touches on our finest curriculum to date! Here is a sneak peek into many of the unique features of Level 4. Color illustrations Helpful Diagrams, Which Can Also… Read More Level 4 "Ballet Arts for Young Children" Curriculum Release
Preparing Little Feet for Pointe October 13, 2014 I have an eight year-old student who loves to do tricks. She’s been dancing for two years, but this is my first year as her teacher. By the second class of the semester, she had already shown me—twice—how she can “stand… Read More Preparing Little Feet for Pointe
The One Thing I Wish I Knew September 19, 2014 I attended ballet class on a regular basis from the age of 6 through 18 and no one ever really explained it to me. If someone had, I’m pretty sure my dance career would have been very different. I struggled… Read More The One Thing I Wish I Knew