Progressing into Ballet Technique May 30, 2015 Teachers sometimes spend much of the year trying to figure out what should logically come next in their teaching. How can we know what they should be learning next? Moving through the natural movement sequences and into ballet technique happens… Read More Progressing into Ballet Technique
The 7 Basic Principles of Classical Ballet April 10, 2015 The Rules of Classical Dance were first set down definitively by John Weaver in 1723. Each generation has had its great teachers of ballet who have added insights and details to these rules and principles. These principles are essential for… Read More The 7 Basic Principles of Classical Ballet
Preparing Little Feet for Pointe October 13, 2014 I have an eight year-old student who loves to do tricks. She’s been dancing for two years, but this is my first year as her teacher. By the second class of the semester, she had already shown me—twice—how she can “stand… Read More Preparing Little Feet for Pointe