Introducing the Ballet Barre

Maximize Learning Retention

Determine Their Intermediate Pointe Readiness

How Learning Happens

Teaching the Accelerated Child

Find the Causes of Their Actions

The First Weeks of Pointe Class

Helping the Undercoordinated Students

Basic Principles for Older Beginners

The Five Families of Jumps

Increase Your Effectiveness in Skills Training

Power Struggles in Middle Childhood

What Can I Do To Change Their Behavior?

Why is it so Hard to Keep the Circle the Same Size?

Correcting Errors in Muscle Use

Avoiding Injury with Correct Muscle Use

Sensory Development for Purposeful Movement

Preventing Injuries

Body Placement for Ballet Students

Using Ballet Terminology and Musicality in Class

Working Toward Excellence in Classical Ballet

How Teachers Help Their Students Improve Coordination

Planning Your Intermediate Pointe Class