Dancing with Partner Cards December 14, 2015 Ever had issues in your pre-ballet classes with students who always choose the same partner? For many ballet students, the experience of class is a very social one that can shape who they become. Not being chosen as… Read More Dancing with Partner Cards
Ignoring Wrong Behavior—Does it Work? December 2, 2015 Child Development experts know that this rule always applies: “Behavior that gets attention will always be repeated, even if the attention is negative!” Children want attention more than anything else. Negative is better than none at all.Students bring to dance… Read More Ignoring Wrong Behavior—Does it Work?
Presentation is Key! October 25, 2015 When teaching little ones, presentation definitely counts! A young child will often reflect the amount of enthusiasm and energy you are showing them in your teaching. How can dance teachers create an environment of exploration, creativity and fun… Read More Presentation is Key!
Courtesy, Safety and Respect in the Classroom October 16, 2015 Today’s culture is full of conflict, lacking in courtesy both for individuals and for humanity in general. Whether movies, TV, or video games, few of these teach or show courtesy and respect between people. Dance class has been… Read More Courtesy, Safety and Respect in the Classroom
Tips For Teaching Preschool Combo Classes September 11, 2015 Rising in popularity over the past 10 years is the idea of the “combination class”. There are teachers and studio owners who love the idea, and others who struggle with teaching all that needs to be taught in such… Read More Tips For Teaching Preschool Combo Classes
Expecting Good Behavior From Preschoolers September 2, 2015 Three, four and five year olds are the most complex, delicate and fascinating students to teach! Not everyone walks into their ballet classroom and feels fully prepared for what is to come. These great points from the Level 2… Read More Expecting Good Behavior From Preschoolers
Organizing and Running a "Happy Class" July 27, 2015 Children need structure. This is especially true in the pre-ballet years, as they prepare for a more disciplined class. The less “free time” they have in the class period, the better. They should know exactly what they’re supposed to… Read More Organizing and Running a "Happy Class"
Hints for a Happy Class July 24, 2015 Would you say you teach a “happy” class? When your students leave your classroom, are they overly tired and restless, or do they feel a sense of accomplishment? Pacing your class, implementing creative rest periods, and taking your students’ ever-changing needs… Read More Hints for a Happy Class
Challenge? Or Frustration? July 22, 2015 My fifth year of teaching was a tough one! I had a class of 9-11 year olds that really stretched me and taught me a lot. One of my biggest challenges was that the students just weren’t… Read More Challenge? Or Frustration?
Using Inertia to Avoid the "Dead Spot" July 7, 2015 How frustrating it is to carefully present and explain something to a class, and then find at the next meeting that the students remember very little, if any, of what you took such careful pains… Read More Using Inertia to Avoid the "Dead Spot"
Win With Threes by Knowing Their Needs June 26, 2015 Teaching a classroom of 3 and 4 year olds is completely daunting at times! Why is it that these little people can scare the living daylights out of fully-grown professionals twice their size? Most of it comes from… Read More Win With Threes by Knowing Their Needs
Why the Wait? June 15, 2015 So, what do you do when your 7 year-olds don’t want to practice tendu, they want to saut de chat across the room like the beautiful ballerinas they saw in recital last year? I’ve had… Read More Why the Wait?
So, You're Just Teaching Them to Dance? June 1, 2015 I bid adieu to a classroom of 8 to 10 year old students this morning. It was our last class before the recital, and it was so wonderful to have had the opportunity to teach them… Read More So, You're Just Teaching Them to Dance?
Improving Behavior With Consequences May 29, 2015 Just imagine: A class full of unruly 4 and 5 year olds that don’t listen, don’t mind you and have a lot of trouble staying attentive. Sound familiar? Sounds like a nightmare! In the teaching help section of… Read More Improving Behavior With Consequences
6 "Must Haves" for Teaching Ballet May 15, 2015 Not everyone can teach, and not everyone should. As I press on in my journey as a ballet instructor, I find the truths found in the “Level 1 Curriculum Book” to be so very pertinent and… Read More 6 "Must Haves" for Teaching Ballet
20 Ways to Create a Comfortable Class April 27, 2015 Most of us can remember being in a class where we couldn’t focus or understand what was being presented. It wasn’t much fun, was it? A dance class can feel that way to a young child. Childrens’ brains… Read More 20 Ways to Create a Comfortable Class
6 Classroom "Attention-Getters" to Watch Out For March 29, 2015 Every dance studio is different with its own set of rules and expectations, but one thing remains the same throughout: children will be children. No matter where I teach, I find that there are certain little tricks… Read More 6 Classroom "Attention-Getters" to Watch Out For
How To Talk Effectively With Children March 13, 2015 Young children, especially children ages 3 to 5, do not understand the spoken word as well as we think they do! They have a large vocabulary of words and phrases, but the exact meanings are not always clear to them. In… Read More How To Talk Effectively With Children
Teaching Pre-Ballet is a Challenge! December 2, 2014 It is a challenge for creative teachers to keep the ballet and other choreographic movements within the abilities of young dancers! It is worth your time and effort to do so. The end result will be better dancers in your… Read More Teaching Pre-Ballet is a Challenge!
The Dance Teacher's Secret Weapon: Expectancy November 6, 2014 It’s been one of those weeks. We all know them—toward the end of the first term, dance teachers often experience their first bouts of student burnout. Everything was great when we first started the semester, but now the students have already… Read More The Dance Teacher's Secret Weapon: Expectancy
Why the Rush? September 18, 2014 There is a prevalent acceptance in ballet studios these days of a sadly dangerous belief. I most definitely do not understand it, and I wish there were some way to gather all the moms, teachers, and studio owners together… Read More Why the Rush?
Ballet Student Personalities: "The Sponge" September 18, 2014 She’s your every dream come true. She’s “The Sponge.” There is one particular student that I think of when I use this term. She is not perfect. She is not there yet. But, my,… Read More Ballet Student Personalities: "The Sponge"
Ballet Student Personalities: "The Puppy Dog" September 18, 2014 Have you ever corrected a student and received an emotional breakdown in response? If you haven’t yet, you most likely will at some point. Children, just like adults, carry around quite a bit of baggage, and… Read More Ballet Student Personalities: "The Puppy Dog"
Ballet Student Personalities: "The Apathetic One" September 18, 2014 Why the long face? Though some of us would like to believe that we are bringing up the next generation of flawless ballerinas, the fact remains that they will not all love to dance, and… Read More Ballet Student Personalities: "The Apathetic One"
Ballet Student Personalities: "Who, Me?" September 18, 2014 Deer in the headlights, anyone? It seems she cannot comprehend why you would ever correct her in the first place. “What could I have possibly done wrong?” These “Who, Me?” students are the children who may not… Read More Ballet Student Personalities: "Who, Me?"