Ignoring Wrong Behavior—Does it Work?

Presentation is Key!

Courtesy, Safety and Respect in the Classroom

Tips For Teaching Preschool Combo Classes

Expecting Good Behavior From Preschoolers

Organizing and Running a "Happy Class"

Hints for a Happy Class

Challenge? Or Frustration?

Using Inertia to Avoid the "Dead Spot"

Win With Threes by Knowing Their Needs

Why the Wait?

So, You're Just Teaching Them to Dance?

Improving Behavior With Consequences

6 "Must Haves" for Teaching Ballet

20 Ways to Create a Comfortable Class

6 Classroom "Attention-Getters" to Watch Out For

How To Talk Effectively With Children
Teaching Pre-Ballet is a Challenge!

The Dance Teacher's Secret Weapon: Expectancy

Why the Rush?

Ballet Student Personalities: "The Sponge"

Ballet Student Personalities: "The Puppy Dog"

Ballet Student Personalities: "The Apathetic One"